Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Wolf!

So today we planned to go snow kiting with a friend of ours called James. Snow kiting is essentially power kiting with a snowboard attached to your feet. So we were quite excited!

Our day didn't go to plan. We got stuck in the snow in the car and to make matters worse the guy who had the snow mobile never turned up. The snow mobile was a vital part of the day as the plateau that we planned to board on was only accessible by this means. We never did snow kite today, fingers crossed we get the opportunity to do again sometime soon.

All problems aside, I had an Awesome day!

The highlight of my day was meeting this awesome dog called Timmy!!! This was kind of ironic considering it was the biggest dog i have ever seen in my entire life. Although he was also the daftest dog i have ever met, i instantly fell in love. His paws were the size of my face, he was as tall as me, and his head could have easily matched that of a lions. He must have been the worst gurad do I have seen too, as we walked up the drive (having never met him before) he simply got so excited that he rolled over onto his back and uncontrollably wagged his tail.

He was easily the most adorable dog i have ever met ( well all except Jethro, no one tops him), if all timberland wolf dogs (i think thats what they are called) are like him, i want one!!!

Check out some of the snaps...

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