Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

For as long as i can remember i have had the strange tradition (as some think) of always sending my Mum and Dad valentines day cards. This is the first year i can remember that i haven't sent them a card. I'm slightly disappointed in myself. I even forgot to say Happy Valentines day to my Dad when i spoke to him first thing this morning.

I once went to the effort of making my Dad, Mum, Brother and Sister really cool and sweet hand made cards, not that I don't usually
make the cards myself, but these were particularly good. Everyone got their cards that year, well all except my Dad. Stupidly i sent his card to number 60 instead of 160. That was slightly annoying and disappointing. He never did get his card.

Since i can't be at home this year to give everyone a kiss and a cuddle and pass along that old faithful hand made card, i'm simply going to send my love from here. So, Mum, Dad, Mark and Sammy...

I Love you all so much and miss you lots, remember i'm always thinking of you all. xxx

p.s. I had a lovely valentines day with my lovely valentine. I'm now the proud owner of some funky new ride bindings. Lucky me.

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