Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just a few of my favorite faces...

These faces are some of the faces i look forward to seeing the most. So, Katie, Sophie, Amy and Justine... I love you guys, i couldn't ask for better friends!!!

You are one of the craziest people I have ever met. There is never dull moment when you are around. I love your energy. You make me laugh and sometimes you make me want to cry. I think your fantastic, I miss you lots.

You have to be the most random of all my friends. And every time i think of you i think of Indian food. haha. Your awesome good fun and I only wish you can come visit me one day soon. Your such a lovely person and I always seem to be mean to you when i'm drunk... so i'm sorry, you never deserve it. Your so down to earth, I love it. What you see is what you get.

You make me laugh, and when I think of you I smile. Your like my little sister, I kind of just want to look after you. I miss spending time with you doing random things. I also love the fact that I can not speak to you for weeks at a time and then pick up the phone like it was yesterday I last spoke to you. I'm really excited at the prospect of you working here with me, I hope it all works out.

Your obviously the cutest girl I know. I just want to cuddle you. I miss being able to call you up and see you any time. But I know we will stay friends forever, regardless of where you are in the world. You have a heart of gold.

Ok. That was pretty soppy, I was feeling that way...

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