Sunday, February 7, 2010


On Friday night I realized that my Boyfriend made a pretty good Pirate! He looked wicked and strangely not very like Robin at all. I barely recognized him. I guess all the black eye liner masked his pretty face.

So Friday night was our friends Tim and Anne's birthdays and the theme was pirate pub golf. Pirate pub golf I thought was a little too much effort and expense for my small pockets, so we just went with the pirate theme and ditched the golf idea all together. There were some pretty wicked outfits. Most People dressed up at golfers on the bottom half and had a pirate themed head. It looked a little random. I have never had so many comments about my outfit, they were all the same comments too.... 'Arrrrr'. It was a great night, which sadly had blessed me with a terrible hangover.

Check out my sexy boyfriend... transformed into a hideous pirate!

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