Monday, February 22, 2010

A few dates in my diary...

So today is February 22nd and Katie has been here since Friday. Its been a busy few days. We have lots planned for when she is here, mainly involving drinking and eating and also a bit of snowboarding. I'm looking forward to snowboarding this week, I feel like I haven't been out on the hill in an age. We've been excited about Katie coming since she booked this trip in December, so its nice that she now here. Its made me think about all the other stuff we have coming up that i'm excited about. So I thought I'd share a few:

March 11th - 18th.
My Dad is coming to visit. I'm stupidly excited about this. I just can't wait to see him. I also cant wait to get him on a pair of skis or a snowboard. It should be good. My auntie Val is also coming to visit this week too which will be nice.

31st March - 2nd April.
Vegas Baby!!!! Its my good friend Gemma's 29th birthday so to celebrate a bunch of us are heading down to Vegas. It should be awesome good fun! It will also be nice to get out of Utah for a few days. Bring on the party!!!

8th, 9th and 10th April.
Rafting. We're going white water rafting with my friend Andrea who is raft guide. So we will be heading to west water canyon (Colorado) for 3 days of pure Adrenaline . I'm really excited and a little nervous all at the same time. It will also be nice to spend some time with Jenny, Sophie and Andrea before we all head off in our different directions.

11th April.
This is our last day of work, well its the last day the Canyons is open to the public. Basically the end of work means we are free to do our traveling before Lake Powell. Although right now we're not entirely sure what our traveling plans are. Too many possibilities.

So... Watch this space.

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