Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Ultimate Ski Season Requirement... A Good Pair of Boots!

Before I came to Utah I was really worried about finding a decesnt pair of boots that i actually liked and would help me battle through the snow. Then i stumbled over the Caterpillar Womens Mardy Fur Boot. Take a Peak.
Everyday I have been here in Park City I have been so thankful to have these boots. I must have thanked Rob a million times for buying me them. I have never had wet feet. I have only had cold feet once and that was the day I didn't have ski socks on. I can wear them like they are normal boots, with normal clothes... not the hideous snow boots that look more like moon boots. They are so comfy its unreal, i was expecting have an array of shinny red blisters all over my feet. The best thing about these boots is that I never worry about where I'm going in them, I never have to ask myself 'am i wearing suitable footwear?', these boots have and will literally handle any environment I choose to ramble through.

These are easily the best pair of boots I have ever owned. I'd recommend to anyone regardless of whether your doing a ski season. Your probably thinking these boots cost me a small fortune; well thats one of my favorite points they only cost £55! Maybe I love my boots a little too much...

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