Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today is the first day of lent. I am one of these people that decides I will give something up for lent every year. But the thing is, is that i suck at it! I get to about the third day and totally give up.

When i came to Utah i vowed i wouldn't eat any chocolate bars until i left here... i did really really well. I didn't eat a single one until last week. I was having a bad day. So I thought since I found it so easy last time, I could easily do it for lent.

This lent I am vowing not to eat any chocolate, full stop. Not chocolate bars, not chocolate cakes, not chocolate cookies, not chocolate anything.

Today is day 1... and i have got through it despite it being a slightly stressful day. I had the hang over from hell, the worst cystitis imaginable and to top it off i locked the key in the room so we now have the lock smith here. Great!

Roll on the next 39 days.

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