Monday, February 8, 2010

What Next!?

The Summer:

Since we're having so much fun here in the US it seems silly to go home. So we have decided to stay and extend our visas. Also the rules are changing. As of next year its going to be much harder to get a H2B Visa, so therefore much harder to get a job in America for international workers. Basically the score for employers now is... if they want international workers they have to pay for their flights over, I guess thats in a bid to encourage them to try and employ more US citizens and reduce the unemployment rate.

I'm pretty excited about summer. There are quite a few options:
  1. Lake Powell. I think this is my favorite of all the possibilities and i really hope we get the job. Lake Powell is a huge lake that stretches between Utah and Arizona, its over 150 miles long and its set in the most breathtaking scenery. So far we have sent our applications off and we have also sent all our visa extension documentation. Apparently if they have asked you to send off all your visa stuff, thats a good sign. Fingers Crossed!!! There is one reason why Lake Powell will be so amazing and that is... I will get to wakeboard pretty much everyday!!! Need I say more? Other good points are that i get to work outside all the time in the sunny weather, a lot of my friends have also applied for this job and I will hopefully get to put boat instructor onto my CV. Happy Days.
  2. Nantucket. The more I think about Nantucket the more I warm to the idea. Nantucket is a small island just off Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The weather in Nantucket isn't much different to that in the UK, its slightly warmer. The area is totally stunning and really really green. I guess thats why its one of the number one holiday destinations for Americans (especially rich Americans). Both Rob and I have applied to work for Nantucket island resort. I have applied to be a waitress. The pay is only like $3 an hour but the fact that on average each person makes around $200 a day in tips, i think i can get over that. Besides i quite like waitressing. Rob has applied to be a busier, pay is around $9 an hour I think, but you do get quite a lot of tips on top of that. We just have to wait and see if we get offered anything now. Did I mention that the surf on Nantucket is Awesome!?
  3. Promontory Golf Course, Park City. I really didn't want to work here. In fact I would actually rather go home than work here. So when Rob and I got the Interview we had to politely turn it down. As did many other people. I think the more people thought about working there the worse the idea became. It would have been 12 days on 2 days off, 12 days on 2 days off... it also would be a 6am start everyday. It is also in the middle of no where so if we didn't buy a car we would have to bike there everyday. The plus point about the job was suppose to be that we got a free season pass to the course worth $120,000... WHAT!? I don't even like golf!
  4. Home. If neither 1 or 2 work out then I guess we're coming home.
Watch this space, who knows what will happen. I'm pretty excited either way...

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