Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lets hope recovery is quick...

Today was my day off. It was meant to be a relaxing day to myself. I got up at 6am with Rob and pottered on the internet for a few hours and then went back to bed until 11am. Maybe getting up at 6am wasn't my greatest idea. I spoke to Dad, checked my emails and facebook and continued researching the things I have been for the last few weeks. I then went to the post office early this afternoon. On my way back to the bus I passed the chocolate shop and was totally taken in. I spent 13 dollars on Chocolate. I got the best rice crispy square ever and the biggest lump of rocky road fudge. It was a very good call. This is were my relaxing day ended...

I jumped on the Bus to go up to the Canyons. I dropped off Ollie's birthday card, but disappointingly he wasn't in and I then bumped in to Heather. Heather told me Rob had been moved off his lift to Frostwood (the quietest gondola in the world) because he had really bad back pain. I marched over to Frostwood, by the time I arrived he had been sent home. So I marched back to the bus stop, which is where I unexpectedly bumped into Rob who had just missed the bus. Work had requested that Rob visit the medical clinic... so thats where we went. We were probably only at the medical centre for just over an hour but it felt like a life time, I hate the doctors and hospitals. After a drugs test the Doctor finally had a look at Rob and allowed him to get a prescription to ease the pain. Thankfully the doctor surmised that it was just a muscular problem and not a slipped disc like it was first suspected. Thank God! Rob was prescribed some muscle relaxants and some anti-inflammatory medication, the doctor also requested that he did light work for the next week. So touch wood, by the time Katie arrives next week he'll be feeling better. Now, bless him , he's sat behind me moaning and winging and expecting me to run around after him like a headless chicken. I'll go along with this for now...

Everyone please pray for Rob's fast recovery... for my sake if not his.

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