Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Like!

Just a picture that was taken in the photo shoot for Katie's Magazine project. I really like what she has done with it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good Bye!

Katie left today. It was a real shame. I think we all felt she could have done with a few more days here or even a few weeks. Katie was only here for a week, but it has seemed much longer. We've done so much. It has been a really really good week. I haven't eaten out this much since we've been in Park city, but its all good, I enjoyed it. What did we do when Katie was here...

Katie arrived. We just slept.

Katie spent the day shopping at Tanger outlets whilst we worked out little socks off. In the Evening we all went round to Jenny's house ate pizza and went for a hot tub at the Sundial Lodge at the Canyons. It was rather nice. Well that was until Katie passed out in the shower after she got out of the hot tub. It was a little scary to say the least. I've never seen anyone faint before. Luckily Katie was OK and only slightly banged her head. I guess it was a combination of things that caused it; the altitude, jet lag, going from Hot to Cold, Dehydration and the fact she had just eaten moments before getting in the hot tub. Hopefully that will be the first and last time she does that.

Sunday was Robs day off work. So Rob took Katie onto the mountain. It was pretty good actually, we realised one of the lower lifts had no ticket checkers, which meant that Katie could use this lift free of charge and not have to worry about having a ticket. The two of them lapped sunrise all day and got Katie back on her feet again, its a pretty good run for building confidence. On Sunday night we planned to go to Ruby Tuesdays for a quiet meal, we also knew a few of our friends would be going too. We all decided to go together. I thought there would be a small group of around 6 to 8 of us. There ended up being over 20. It was a good night though, and was nice to see everyone. It also gave Katie the opportunity to meet the majority of our good friends.

Both Rob and I worked Monday. This gave Katie the opportunity to have a day snowboarding by herself. Which is always good to practice what you have learnt previously. Katie ventured up to Mid mountain and it cost her nothing. I'd given her my season pass to see if that would work, as I never use it when at work. Luckily it did work. So it saved Katie a good $40+. Happy Days.
On Monday night we went to the pizza restaurant around the corner from us and we also went to get ice cream from this cool place called yellow snow. The food was really good and the ice cream was delicious but it really annoys me how you are served in a restaurant in the US. As soon as we arrived in Fuego (the pizza joint) the waitress was pestering us to take our order in what seemed like a matter of seconds. We eventually ordered our food. We got a started to share, it came. Before we even had chance to finish the starter (which came very quickly) the main was on the table. It was kind of irritating. All I wanted was a relaxing meal were I could just sit and chill out for a few hours. To top if off the restaurant was really cold. Apart from all that it was a good meal.

Tuesday was my first day off work with Katie. Of course we went snowboarding. Although this time I couldn't get Katie a season pass to use, so she had to use one of my half price tickets. Which I guess it better than nothing. We ventured around the whole mountain after spending the most part of the morning at mid mountain. I was seriously impressed with Katie, she seemed like a different person compared to the snowboarder I had seen in France just a year earlier. I was Happy, she was Happy, everyone was happy. On Tuesday night we showed Katie the joys of the Christian centre. I think she liked it. It was a really good night, the food was good and we all won lots of thing. After the Christian Centre we all went to main street and had some drinks. We headed to O'Shucks and No Name saloon. It was a good night.

This was the most random day. I think we all woke up a little worse for wear. Anyway we all got our shit together and decided we were going to go snowboarding. The thing is after arriving at the mountain and having had breakfast no one was in the mood for snowboarding anymore. We all just went home and then headed to main street. It was nice. We just browsed through the shops and had a leisurely day. Later on we went to the cinema. Big Mistake! The film was way too scary for me. The whole time I was so worrying about being scared I pretty much missed the plot of the film so never really got it. Typical me. Sophie, Gemma and Rob thought it was Amazing and Katie on the other hand was bored stiff. haha. We watched Shutter Island with Leonardo Decaprio, Check it out. The film finished quite late, well so late that we couldn't find anywhere to eat. Annoying. We ended up going to Red Banjo on Main Street (where my friend Andrea works) and eating the last Pieces of pizza they had. I guess that was better than nothing. Although I was still hungry.

Both Rob and I were off work. It was really great as it had snowed lots during the night, so it was a lovely powdery day. Thursday was my favorite day boarding. We had lots of fun, Katie's boarding progressed lots and she hit her first black whilst also mastering powder. It was a good day all round. Although I was totally shattered. Its not often I do a whole day boarding anymore. For Dinner we thought we would try Bangkok Thai on Main street. It was AMAZING!!!! Easily the best meal we had all week. I'll definitely be taking dad there. It wasn't very cheap though, it ended up being pretty extravagant. It was such a lovely day.

This was Katie's last full day and night. What a shame, we were just getting used to having her. Anyways I had to work and Rob the jammy git had managed to wangle the day off. So he got to spend the day riding with Katie. They had fun by all accounts. I had one of the worst days at work yet (but i wont go into that) so I wasn't in the greatest of moods when I finished work. Rob and Katie had waited for me to finish work so that we could all go shopping together. If I'm honest I couldn't really bothered to go shopping but luckily Katie was surprisingly quick and didn't want to go in many shops. On the way home we went to Ruby Tuesdays for our last supper together... I was soooo Full. It was really good though. Really really good. I hope it was as good as Katie had expected. I love Ruby Tuesdays.

Today (Saturday)
Katie Left today. Bummer. It was kind of annoying as we had to say good bye first thing this morning as we were working and we were all half asleep, it was a bit of a shame. My day started off pretty rubbish and I really didn't want to be there. But by mid after noon I decided to buck up my ideas and I turned into probably the chirpiest person on the mountain. It was kind of cool though, as my boss had seen how nice and friendly I was being to all the guests and so impressed that she gave me a prize. I now have a $15 itunes voucher to blow. Happy days. The day passed pretty quickly today so I was happy. When we arrived home I was even happier...
Katie, bless here, had tided the whole flat it was amazing... it really was a tip before. She had also bought us gifts. Rob got a lib tech hat that he's wanted for ages and I got some bananas and banana milk shake. I never realised how happy a surprise bottle of banana milk shake could make me. I seem to have been smiling all night. Thank you Katie :o)

Just a pic of the lovely things we had waiting for us when we returned from work.

So Katie, Thank you so much for your visit. It was an awesome week. I had so much fun, even though I am exhausted now. Again thank you for the groceries you replaced (it wasn't necessary mind), the gifts and for tidying up. Your welcome to come visit anytime. I hope your journey home is safe and quick.
With Love xxx

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pow wow wow

Today is Katie's 6th Day here. It has to have been the best days riding we've had since she arrived. She's come on leaps and bounds, I actually regard her as a snowboarder now. It snowed none stop yesterday and last night. A good 6 inches were ready for us when we arrived at the Canyons this morning. It was amazing.


Powder is the reason I snowboard. One good powder day can make up for a weeks worth of rubbish snow. Its all about carving fresh lines and having the confidence to go faster and further than the time before. I'd be a very happy girl if every day were a powder day. I'll tell you what, I'd be a very fit girl if everyday was a powder day. Riding powder really takes it out of me. My legs are burning right now. I guess the pain is worth it, I had a wicked day.

This is the 3 of us from today. Moments before we all fell in a pile.
Thanks for today guys xxx

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday Lunch!

Last night we went out for a few drinks, I was slightly drunk. But I was by no means wasted. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. I should have just had a skin full! Any how when ever I have been drinking and I'm feeling a little rough all I want to do is sit a cosy country pub. I want to sit there all day long drinking coke and eating the stodgiest food I can find. The thing is, here in Utah... they just don't have quaint country pubs. I've been slightly frustrated today. Usually if I cant afford to spend the day in the pub, Mums Sunday lunch hits the spot. The thing is, I cant have that either.

I REALLY want Mums Sunday Lunch. To be honest though any Sunday lunch would do.

Anyone please feel free to jump on a plane and cook me Sunday lunch (even though its Wednesday). That would make me very happy right now.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A few dates in my diary...

So today is February 22nd and Katie has been here since Friday. Its been a busy few days. We have lots planned for when she is here, mainly involving drinking and eating and also a bit of snowboarding. I'm looking forward to snowboarding this week, I feel like I haven't been out on the hill in an age. We've been excited about Katie coming since she booked this trip in December, so its nice that she now here. Its made me think about all the other stuff we have coming up that i'm excited about. So I thought I'd share a few:

March 11th - 18th.
My Dad is coming to visit. I'm stupidly excited about this. I just can't wait to see him. I also cant wait to get him on a pair of skis or a snowboard. It should be good. My auntie Val is also coming to visit this week too which will be nice.

31st March - 2nd April.
Vegas Baby!!!! Its my good friend Gemma's 29th birthday so to celebrate a bunch of us are heading down to Vegas. It should be awesome good fun! It will also be nice to get out of Utah for a few days. Bring on the party!!!

8th, 9th and 10th April.
Rafting. We're going white water rafting with my friend Andrea who is raft guide. So we will be heading to west water canyon (Colorado) for 3 days of pure Adrenaline . I'm really excited and a little nervous all at the same time. It will also be nice to spend some time with Jenny, Sophie and Andrea before we all head off in our different directions.

11th April.
This is our last day of work, well its the last day the Canyons is open to the public. Basically the end of work means we are free to do our traveling before Lake Powell. Although right now we're not entirely sure what our traveling plans are. Too many possibilities.

So... Watch this space.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just a few of my favorite faces...

These faces are some of the faces i look forward to seeing the most. So, Katie, Sophie, Amy and Justine... I love you guys, i couldn't ask for better friends!!!

You are one of the craziest people I have ever met. There is never dull moment when you are around. I love your energy. You make me laugh and sometimes you make me want to cry. I think your fantastic, I miss you lots.

You have to be the most random of all my friends. And every time i think of you i think of Indian food. haha. Your awesome good fun and I only wish you can come visit me one day soon. Your such a lovely person and I always seem to be mean to you when i'm drunk... so i'm sorry, you never deserve it. Your so down to earth, I love it. What you see is what you get.

You make me laugh, and when I think of you I smile. Your like my little sister, I kind of just want to look after you. I miss spending time with you doing random things. I also love the fact that I can not speak to you for weeks at a time and then pick up the phone like it was yesterday I last spoke to you. I'm really excited at the prospect of you working here with me, I hope it all works out.

Your obviously the cutest girl I know. I just want to cuddle you. I miss being able to call you up and see you any time. But I know we will stay friends forever, regardless of where you are in the world. You have a heart of gold.

Ok. That was pretty soppy, I was feeling that way...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today is the first day of lent. I am one of these people that decides I will give something up for lent every year. But the thing is, is that i suck at it! I get to about the third day and totally give up.

When i came to Utah i vowed i wouldn't eat any chocolate bars until i left here... i did really really well. I didn't eat a single one until last week. I was having a bad day. So I thought since I found it so easy last time, I could easily do it for lent.

This lent I am vowing not to eat any chocolate, full stop. Not chocolate bars, not chocolate cakes, not chocolate cookies, not chocolate anything.

Today is day 1... and i have got through it despite it being a slightly stressful day. I had the hang over from hell, the worst cystitis imaginable and to top it off i locked the key in the room so we now have the lock smith here. Great!

Roll on the next 39 days.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What to do and where to go??

So this summer we have a window of about 3 weeks between the end of the Canyons and the start of our new jobs at Lake Powell. The problem now is, is that we can't decide where to go and what to do in this time. Do we do a road trip down the east coast. Or do we simply settle for New york? Or how about doing a USA national park tour. We could even head back to the west coast and soak up the californian sun. Or we could simply just say in Utah and explore the local area.

Decisions decisions! What do we do? Here the map of the US, help us out....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!!

For as long as i can remember i have had the strange tradition (as some think) of always sending my Mum and Dad valentines day cards. This is the first year i can remember that i haven't sent them a card. I'm slightly disappointed in myself. I even forgot to say Happy Valentines day to my Dad when i spoke to him first thing this morning.

I once went to the effort of making my Dad, Mum, Brother and Sister really cool and sweet hand made cards, not that I don't usually
make the cards myself, but these were particularly good. Everyone got their cards that year, well all except my Dad. Stupidly i sent his card to number 60 instead of 160. That was slightly annoying and disappointing. He never did get his card.

Since i can't be at home this year to give everyone a kiss and a cuddle and pass along that old faithful hand made card, i'm simply going to send my love from here. So, Mum, Dad, Mark and Sammy...

I Love you all so much and miss you lots, remember i'm always thinking of you all. xxx

p.s. I had a lovely valentines day with my lovely valentine. I'm now the proud owner of some funky new ride bindings. Lucky me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Awesome film, check it out! It had me on the edge of my seat for the entire film...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lake Powell Baby!!!

On my return from work today I was greeted with this email...

Hello Team Member,

I just wanted to let you know that you have been selected to come to Lake Powell on a H2B extension for our 2010 Summer Season!!! You have completed an application online and also submitted your documents to our agent. Thank you for taking the time to make that a priority.

We are looking forward to an exciting new season and want to welcome you to our team...

Yes!!! I am going to work in Lake Powell for the summer season... Woop Woop! As you can probably gather I was a rather happy bunny! I can now relax and not worry about what i'm doing next.

...Good times a head!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lets hope recovery is quick...

Today was my day off. It was meant to be a relaxing day to myself. I got up at 6am with Rob and pottered on the internet for a few hours and then went back to bed until 11am. Maybe getting up at 6am wasn't my greatest idea. I spoke to Dad, checked my emails and facebook and continued researching the things I have been for the last few weeks. I then went to the post office early this afternoon. On my way back to the bus I passed the chocolate shop and was totally taken in. I spent 13 dollars on Chocolate. I got the best rice crispy square ever and the biggest lump of rocky road fudge. It was a very good call. This is were my relaxing day ended...

I jumped on the Bus to go up to the Canyons. I dropped off Ollie's birthday card, but disappointingly he wasn't in and I then bumped in to Heather. Heather told me Rob had been moved off his lift to Frostwood (the quietest gondola in the world) because he had really bad back pain. I marched over to Frostwood, by the time I arrived he had been sent home. So I marched back to the bus stop, which is where I unexpectedly bumped into Rob who had just missed the bus. Work had requested that Rob visit the medical clinic... so thats where we went. We were probably only at the medical centre for just over an hour but it felt like a life time, I hate the doctors and hospitals. After a drugs test the Doctor finally had a look at Rob and allowed him to get a prescription to ease the pain. Thankfully the doctor surmised that it was just a muscular problem and not a slipped disc like it was first suspected. Thank God! Rob was prescribed some muscle relaxants and some anti-inflammatory medication, the doctor also requested that he did light work for the next week. So touch wood, by the time Katie arrives next week he'll be feeling better. Now, bless him , he's sat behind me moaning and winging and expecting me to run around after him like a headless chicken. I'll go along with this for now...

Everyone please pray for Rob's fast recovery... for my sake if not his.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Happy Birthday Ollie! I thought i'd see you tonight, but it didn't work out... So here's the card I made for you.

Hope you've had a Great day!!!

Lots of Love xxxxx

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Ultimate Ski Season Requirement... A Good Pair of Boots!

Before I came to Utah I was really worried about finding a decesnt pair of boots that i actually liked and would help me battle through the snow. Then i stumbled over the Caterpillar Womens Mardy Fur Boot. Take a Peak.
Everyday I have been here in Park City I have been so thankful to have these boots. I must have thanked Rob a million times for buying me them. I have never had wet feet. I have only had cold feet once and that was the day I didn't have ski socks on. I can wear them like they are normal boots, with normal clothes... not the hideous snow boots that look more like moon boots. They are so comfy its unreal, i was expecting have an array of shinny red blisters all over my feet. The best thing about these boots is that I never worry about where I'm going in them, I never have to ask myself 'am i wearing suitable footwear?', these boots have and will literally handle any environment I choose to ramble through.

These are easily the best pair of boots I have ever owned. I'd recommend to anyone regardless of whether your doing a ski season. Your probably thinking these boots cost me a small fortune; well thats one of my favorite points they only cost £55! Maybe I love my boots a little too much...

Monday, February 8, 2010

What Next!?

The Summer:

Since we're having so much fun here in the US it seems silly to go home. So we have decided to stay and extend our visas. Also the rules are changing. As of next year its going to be much harder to get a H2B Visa, so therefore much harder to get a job in America for international workers. Basically the score for employers now is... if they want international workers they have to pay for their flights over, I guess thats in a bid to encourage them to try and employ more US citizens and reduce the unemployment rate.

I'm pretty excited about summer. There are quite a few options:
  1. Lake Powell. I think this is my favorite of all the possibilities and i really hope we get the job. Lake Powell is a huge lake that stretches between Utah and Arizona, its over 150 miles long and its set in the most breathtaking scenery. So far we have sent our applications off and we have also sent all our visa extension documentation. Apparently if they have asked you to send off all your visa stuff, thats a good sign. Fingers Crossed!!! There is one reason why Lake Powell will be so amazing and that is... I will get to wakeboard pretty much everyday!!! Need I say more? Other good points are that i get to work outside all the time in the sunny weather, a lot of my friends have also applied for this job and I will hopefully get to put boat instructor onto my CV. Happy Days.
  2. Nantucket. The more I think about Nantucket the more I warm to the idea. Nantucket is a small island just off Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The weather in Nantucket isn't much different to that in the UK, its slightly warmer. The area is totally stunning and really really green. I guess thats why its one of the number one holiday destinations for Americans (especially rich Americans). Both Rob and I have applied to work for Nantucket island resort. I have applied to be a waitress. The pay is only like $3 an hour but the fact that on average each person makes around $200 a day in tips, i think i can get over that. Besides i quite like waitressing. Rob has applied to be a busier, pay is around $9 an hour I think, but you do get quite a lot of tips on top of that. We just have to wait and see if we get offered anything now. Did I mention that the surf on Nantucket is Awesome!?
  3. Promontory Golf Course, Park City. I really didn't want to work here. In fact I would actually rather go home than work here. So when Rob and I got the Interview we had to politely turn it down. As did many other people. I think the more people thought about working there the worse the idea became. It would have been 12 days on 2 days off, 12 days on 2 days off... it also would be a 6am start everyday. It is also in the middle of no where so if we didn't buy a car we would have to bike there everyday. The plus point about the job was suppose to be that we got a free season pass to the course worth $120,000... WHAT!? I don't even like golf!
  4. Home. If neither 1 or 2 work out then I guess we're coming home.
Watch this space, who knows what will happen. I'm pretty excited either way...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


On Friday night I realized that my Boyfriend made a pretty good Pirate! He looked wicked and strangely not very like Robin at all. I barely recognized him. I guess all the black eye liner masked his pretty face.

So Friday night was our friends Tim and Anne's birthdays and the theme was pirate pub golf. Pirate pub golf I thought was a little too much effort and expense for my small pockets, so we just went with the pirate theme and ditched the golf idea all together. There were some pretty wicked outfits. Most People dressed up at golfers on the bottom half and had a pirate themed head. It looked a little random. I have never had so many comments about my outfit, they were all the same comments too.... 'Arrrrr'. It was a great night, which sadly had blessed me with a terrible hangover.

Check out my sexy boyfriend... transformed into a hideous pirate!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Because i DO like Chocolate!!!

So... i haven't eaten any chocolate since i have been in the US. Well that was until today! I totally succumbed to the temptation and had cadbury mini eggs AND a twix! Surprisingly i didnt feel bad one little bit!

Quitting Chocolate sucks! Bring on more chocolate eating... in moderation of course!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Snowboarder turned Skier...

Today I went over to the dark side and tried skiing for the first time ever!

This is a picture of Rob and I with our friends Gemma and Sam who turned into our instructors for the day, they were great!

When arriving at the Canyons this morning I felt as nervous as I did the first time I went up a mountain. Putting on a pair of ski boots and clicking into my skis felt so weird. It scared me so much that my feet weren't strapped to one thing and had to be controlled separately.

Anyhow we went up the gondola and headed to the baby slopes, 3 runs later we were moving on to the next slope with a greater gradient. I was nervous... but at High meadow was where it all came together. After no time i was confidently plowing down the hill and was actually in control. Within no time everyone had decided that Rob and I were ready for the next step... Saddleback - Snow dancer.

We were so ready!!! I was quickly linking turns and not pointing my skis up hill every i made the next turn. I was soooo pleased, within a matter of hours I had literally fallen in love with skiing, and I felt like I had made real progress. I was so proud of myself!

Today was a pretty awesome day! I learnt to ski, I only fell over 4 times, I only got one big bruise and I had awesome Fun!! Skiing is now my new Thursday hobby I am so keen to progress and be confident enough to explore the whole mountain.

...Watch this space!

...Check Rob and I out doing our stuff, I was practicing bending my knees, i was having issues. Rob was posing for the camera, he was actually a really good skier!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Wolf!

So today we planned to go snow kiting with a friend of ours called James. Snow kiting is essentially power kiting with a snowboard attached to your feet. So we were quite excited!

Our day didn't go to plan. We got stuck in the snow in the car and to make matters worse the guy who had the snow mobile never turned up. The snow mobile was a vital part of the day as the plateau that we planned to board on was only accessible by this means. We never did snow kite today, fingers crossed we get the opportunity to do again sometime soon.

All problems aside, I had an Awesome day!

The highlight of my day was meeting this awesome dog called Timmy!!! This was kind of ironic considering it was the biggest dog i have ever seen in my entire life. Although he was also the daftest dog i have ever met, i instantly fell in love. His paws were the size of my face, he was as tall as me, and his head could have easily matched that of a lions. He must have been the worst gurad do I have seen too, as we walked up the drive (having never met him before) he simply got so excited that he rolled over onto his back and uncontrollably wagged his tail.

He was easily the most adorable dog i have ever met ( well all except Jethro, no one tops him), if all timberland wolf dogs (i think thats what they are called) are like him, i want one!!!

Check out some of the snaps...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mungo Jerry - In the summertime

So the last 6 weeks (no kidding) i have literally sang 'in the summer time' by Mungo Jerry at least 10 times a day. The thing is, is that i only know the first 2 lines and at first i was even singing the wrong lyrics anyway. So now everyone wants to kill me for being like a broken record!

I thought I'd share the Love... Enjoy!!

I miss this face...

My baby sister... she has made me laugh, smile and probably cry more than anyone else in the whole world. She is the prettiest little thing and she is sooo cute. Although she tends to like to do naughty things, thats something she has always done. Sammy has the cutest smile and she is a ridiculous amount of fun. There is never a dull moment when she is around. I really miss her...

i miss telling her off for stealing my clothes
i miss worrying about her
i miss her waking me up in the middle of the night wanting a lift home
i miss her turning up at anytime wanting somewhere to chill with her friends
i miss listening to her banter with my dad
i miss her and mum constantly squabbling
i miss her moaning that Mark is always winding her up
i miss her persistent winging and wanting
i miss it when she forgets the story half way through telling it
i miss her charm
i miss the way she wiggles her bum when she
i miss her big beautiful eyes
i miss her laugh
i miss it when she takes forever to say the simplest things
i miss just catching up with her and chatting
...i really miss this face!!

...i'm really looking forward to her coming to visit!

Monday, February 1, 2010

For you Mother

Ok, So i emailed my blog to Mum and Dad. Mum couldn't even read it, i guess its a sign she's getting old!

So that you guys can actually read it and see it, I have given my blog a new look. It has clear font and is on a white background. If you have any problems now mum, I guess its not my blog at all and its really your sight!

I hope you like it.

Love you Mum and Dad xxx