Friday, May 7, 2010

Our Pad

Its fair to say that our accommodation has been getting gradually worse over the course of this trip. Our room here is smaller than my room at Uni and there is to of in it. So for those of you who wanted a nosy at our new place, here are a few pics:

Today we actually got our hands on some boats. Easy! Its definitely not rocket science. I'm pretty confident everything will go well, and we've pretty much nailed our instruction speech apparently. They think we're ready to tackle the general public. I'm quite excited. This is officially the coolest job ever, its so chill on the marina. There are no bosses breathing down our neck all day and everyone knows there role and does it. Although our uniforms are horrible and its all mens attire, so the crotch on the shorts in really low... its basically rubbing the skin on the inside of my legs raw. I think I'm gonna have to invest in some new shorts.

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