Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DAY 10

So we've been here 10 days and I feel like we've done a lot in that time. We're settled into our new jobs and our boxy little rooms, in fact works going great. We've got a big portion of the training done and when we return back to work on Thursday we will hopefully be signed off to instruct on the first set of house boats, which means we can start making some good money in tips! I've also come to terms with the fact that there really isn't much to do here. So I'm just going to have to embrace it and make the most of it, but I guess things are what you make them. Thats kind of been my philosophy for a long time now and it seems to be working out just fine. What ever I do I have fun and I intend to keep it that way.

Today has been our first day off work and typically the weather is horrible. It was a glorious 85F+ day yesterday with a light breeze. Today is a totally different story, its ridiculously windy, freezing cold, it even snowed at one point! We were planning on going on a boat tour today and seeing some of the sights on the lake, but the marinas have all closed... so that didn't really go to plan. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and we can finally take a boat out and have some fun. We shall see. Fingers crossed!

We're also ordering our wake boards today... so I'm pretty excited about those arriving!

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