Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So we have finally arrived at Lake Powell. Its really really beautiful. There really isn't that much here though, there's obviously the lake and there is this small town called Page that has a Walmart and a hand full of fast food chains and apart from that nothing else. Oh it does have the most churches on one street than any other places in the US. Pretty random to have 10 churches on one street considering there probably isn't enough people in page to fill one of the churches let alone all 10.

We did our orientation yesterday, which was like all other orientations... spectacularly boring! We do start our proper positions tomorrow though, so thats pretty good. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a boat. This afternoon we went to the driving school centre to get a Arizona driving licenses so that we can drive the company cars, we couldn't take the test today as we don't have a car to do the test in, so hopefully, we'll be back in the next few days to do the test. But we did have to take a theory type test... which I embarrassingly failed with flying colors. How annoying! The thing is, is that it had stupid questions about which way the tires should be pointing when parked, and the passing distance for cyclists, and stupid things like how many days you have to inform the authority of an address change on your license. Why would I know the answer to those questions? Well I didn't. But I do have 2 more chances to pass, so I can come back tomorrow and try again. Luckliy Rob also failed, so I don't feel like such a spaz. Fingers crossed for next time

Apart from that there really isn't much going on, we'll probably hit the Lake this afternoon.

I'll keep you all posted.

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