Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Had a nice day today kayaking. Whats best is that it cost us nothing, so i was even happier. It was actually quite a work out and Rob and I have realised that we are completely incapable of paddling in sync together. So Rob spent most of the time telling me not to paddle, I just chilled and enjoyed the ride. We actually made more progress that way. On our way back to the marina the calmness was interrupted by some dick heads on jet ski's. Two of them circled us and then tried to flip us off our kayaks. They totally failed in their attempt to knock us out, but they manage to spray the jet of water straight in Emma's face who was in the second kayak, it knock the shades straight off her face and into the water. She was so pissed. The thing is, is for the jet of water to spray someone in the face, they're way too close and it is actually incredibly dangerous. Whats worse, is that they weren't satisfied the 1st time round, so they came back for seconds. By which point Rob was knelled up on the back of the kayak with the paddle, ready to knock them straight in the teeth. He was so angry, he's like a little terrier. Emma and Joe were also shouting at them, I think they got the message in the end. Although i just think it fueled the situation even more. Emma and Joe ended up reporting them to park service, so hopefully she'll get some cash back for her shades. The little shits.

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