Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Intentions and No intentions!

So our wake boards, its a no go. The story, our landlord from Park City sent as email today declaring that we would not be getting our deposit back. He effectively said we'd trashed the place and made no effort to try and clean the place what so ever. The only true thing he did state was that we hadn't replaced 4 light bulbs and that we hadn't vacuumed the floor. Apart from that, the place was in exactly the same shape as what we got it in. Its kind of annoying because we're no longer in Park City to dispute all this. Rob is going to send him a polite email to set him straight but we both know that we should cut our losses and forget it. He obviously had no intention of returning our deposit. I knew we should not have paid our last months rent.

So thats why we can no longer get wake boards, because we're $500 down. Its quite a big chunk of cash, actually $25 a week over 20 weeks. So it actually effects our budget quite dramatically. I guess we're going to have to throw on the charm and start making even better tips.

Anyways, over and out. I'm off to do some driving test revision.

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