Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Day on the Marina

Today was my first day on the marina... i'm still alive and all the boats are still intact. I think I'm going to really enjoy this job. So far its seemed pretty easy, we just learnt about the spiel you have to tell to the guests to operate a boat and all the safety rubbish. All fairly straight forward it seems, although I have only been trained on a couple of the boats which are 19-20 footers. There are some seriously huge boats here (75 footers), I'm guessing its a much different story for them. We'll see who it goes over the next couple of days.

This afternoon we did our Defensive Driving Course, which we surprisingly passed. Although we didn't actually have to drive a car. Strange. We just need to get our Arizona driving license now, so we can get our certificate and actually drive company vehicles. Also the cool thing about the defensive driving course is that its recognized by insurance companies and it means they'll knock 20% off your policy. So thats pretty sweet!

Tomorrow morning we have our environmental course, which we have to do since we are working for an environmentally aware company and because we're working in a national park. Its no big deal really, it'll probably be quite interesting and we're getting paid for it. Tomorrow afternoon we're off back to the marina to get clued up on some different boats and we have to do some role play with our boss, that should be pretty interesting.

I think by the time I leave here in October I'm going to be 5 stone lighter. I've been here 5 days and so far I've eaten salad everyday, and only had one substantial meal. The foods all really basic and the majority is meaty and fried... neither suit me well. So I'll continue with Salad. Its making quitting pasta, bread, cheese and chocolate pretty easy so far.

I look forward to tomorrow, the work maybe not the food.

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