Monday, May 24, 2010


бабушка - means grandmother in Russian (pronounced Babushka). Its word I've used a little too much this week for no apparent reason. Now at work, it's what we all call each other. Random I guess. But when the Jamaicans say it mixed in with Jamaican slang, it just sounds hilarious! My aim is to be fluent in Jamaican by the end of the summer. I quite fancy learning another language (a proper language) though, I miss learning stuff now I'm not at uni anymore. I'm surprised at how much stuff I have remembered off Elena though, I know a variety of Animals (dog, cat, donkey) and a few phrases. I'm easily reminded though, my Polish friend here is fluent in English and Russian, so he helps me along the way.

This week has been a pretty slow week at work. It’s been nice and warm (expect today) but it has been incredibly windy, 50 – 60 mph. It’s not exactly the type of weather people want to go boating in and we’re discouraged from recommending that people do so. We’ve only had around 6 power boats go out on average, which is nothing, and most of those have been back by noon to avoid the increasing afternoon winds. It has been steady to say the least. Although on the other hand it has been a really busy week for houseboats. It’s good. It makes the day go faster doing them, its nice being able to practice and see you get better and the best part is, is that your way more likely to get tips. This week hasn’t been a good week for tips for me though. I guess you win some, you loose some, I lost many. Rob on the other hand did pretty well.

This work week has gone so quickly, I’m not exactly sure why as work has been slow, but either way it only feels like 2 days ago it was my day off, so I’m happy. Today our boss told us that we could take some of the power boats out for free and he’d throw in a full tank of gas too (he needs the engines breaking in slowly), so that’s the plan for Wednesday, we’re going to go all the way up to rainbow bridge. I’m looking forward to it. Tomorrow I want to stay in bed at least until 10 and in the afternoon I quite fancy taking some kayaks out and having a little adventure, that does depend if its windy though.

Spoke to Mum today and she sounds really optimistic about coming to visit either at the end of June or mid August. That would be super cool. She’d come with Sammy too. Fingers crossed she’s able to get a good deal on a flight! I miss Mum and Sammy so much!!!

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