Sunday, May 16, 2010


We're going to buy a fridge! I/we have realised we really cant exsist on noodles and salad. So we're going to invest in a fridge, a small price to pay for a balanced diet is what I say. Its so hot here too that you need to eat well as the sun just drains you of every last piece of energy you have. Not good on long days.

Works going really great, I'm really enjoying it! I've now been signed off on M boats and J boats, that will mean nothing to most of you but its basically the most basic house boats we have, they're 49' and 53'. The cool thing is, is that since we've been instructing on the bigger boats (for 2 days) we've been making some good money. I made $65 and Rob made $40, I think having blonde hair and long legs goes along way on the tip front, especially when you top it off with an English accent and the customer is American. Either way I'm not complaining. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day, and I'm also looking forward to getting trained up on more boats.

Tonight we're going for a curry with Indian guy called George, he's cooking for 7 of us. I'm actually quite excited! On Tuesday we're doing our theory and driven test, so wish us luck!!!

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