Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Celeb Spotting

Yesterday we had a few celebrities on the dock. So far this trip has been a good one for celebrity spotting. Anyways I’ll cut to the chase, we had Katie Perry and Russell Brand on the marina today, it was a little bit weird, but cool all the same. I didn’t do their instruction on the boat they had rented but a good friend of mine (Joe) did. I’m kind of glad it wasn’t me; I would have been a huge mess, stumbling over my words and all sorts. But then again who knows, I guess it would have been more embarrassing if I had been weird and its not like I’m a massive fan of either of them to be honest. They’re just people like the rest of us, Right!?

Anyhow, Russell was exactly how I expected him to be; huge hair, very flamboyant, he had and open shirt to a bear chest and the tightest trousers I have ever seen that raised only a few cm higher than his crotch. Apparently (according to my boss) he was wearing lacy underwear, which revealed everything, my boss was blushing a little. Bless. He’s actually pretty tall, taller than I expected. Although he probably appeared way taller because he was stood next to Katie Perry and she is tiny! I was actually really shocked about how small she was and how very ordinary too, she was definitely no taller than 5 foot, I probably would not have noticed her if I hadn’t have already been told.

So all in all it really wasn’t that spectacular. Celebs are definitely overrated. For sure.

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