Thursday, June 17, 2010

Say no to wrinkles!

People may mock Rob and I for using SPF 85 on our faces but quit frankly I mock those that don't. Is a tanned face worth a wrinkly face before your time and skin cancer? I think not! Besides, super brown faces just look dirty and horrible. So for now SPF 85 has a firm spot in my hand bag and will do for the foreseeable future... Right now I'm rather enjoying my wrinkle free face and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible.

I've come to notice America has a different policy of tanning anyways... people really aren't that interested. Its near impossible to find anything less than SPF 30, I did manage to find SPF 15 which I have been using to try and fade in my farmer tan lines, but apart from that its always 30+. Apparently (I read an article on it the other day) it is recommended that people should always wear factor 30+ on their faces, no matter what the time of year, and those that do look noticeably younger.

Just a thought for next time your in the sun...

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