Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A good week

This week has been pretty uneventful. I’ve done over 50 hours this week, 10 of which have been over time but apart from that I have really nothing much to report. The days have been long and really really hot, so by the time I’m home I’m ready for a bite to eat and my single bed. Happy days. I’m really enjoying work. I love the variation and the fact I’ve met such a variety of people already. I’ve met so many French, its insane. Its also kind of weird, as they always seem to photograph everything, including a million pictures of you doing random things from waving to untying ropes and tripping up. We’ll all be all over the Internet before you know it. This week has been memorial week (memorial day was yesterday) so it been the busy its been yet, I’m glad, its gone by so quickly… at this rate its going to be October before we know it.

On the money front this has been an epic week for Rob and I, we have made just short of $400 in tips and we have both racked up 10 hours of over time, which is paid at time and a half. We’re pretty pleased with ourselves. This saving business has just got a whole lot easier. Another good thing is that I have been signed off on another 2 types of boat (more luxurious ones), so it means I have a better opportunity to make tips.

Today it’s my Saturday, so I’m enjoying the weekend and hopefully I’ll finally get myself on a wakeboard. It’s been a long time coming, but I guess I should be patient as I do have all summer. Rob says he’s going to give it a miss because of his back but I doubt he’s going to able to cope with everyone else being out on the board whilst he simply watches. Lets see what happens.

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