Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finally in the Lake

The last 2 days have reminded me of why I am here. I've had an awesome weekend after a great week at work. I'm very happy! On Tuesday we took a free boat ride to rainbow bridge and just chilled out on the boat most of the day, it was great and I really needed to relax. Rainbow bridge is pretty cool too, definitely worth the trip up there, I guess I finally understand what all the hype is about and why people come specifically too Lake Powell to visit it.

Today we got up very early and hit the lake for the second time. This time on a power boat. I actually wake boarded finally. I'm also pleased to say I do remember how to Wakeboard, although on the boat here that we hire, its kind of like an entirely different sport. The wake doesn't look that small until your actually on it and then it looks tiny and the boat itself is so weak, it has trouble towing you. So popping yourself over the wake is a major mission. But hey, I shouldn't complain its a freebie... its better than nothing. We also threw a tube into the boat and to be honest that was as equally as fun as the wake boarding! I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time, my bikini bottoms slid straight off... luckily i managed to catch them with my toe. Emma was also pretty much in the same boat. It was hilarious. My stomach muscles are aching so bad right now.

This Afternoon we went to the staff welcome party, that was good. Its always good when free food is involved and they even had vegi burgers on the BBQ, I was very content indeed. So after a fun packed weekend I'm all tanned and tired and ready for bed. I also have a poorly toe.

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