Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thoughts and Things

Yesterday we got our final job offers from Lake Powell and our start dates, which was kind of good and bad all at the same time. It was great because we got the jobs we wanted... we're going to boat instructors, so thats cool. The bad part was that we also found out our start dates, and that sucked. We don't start work until the 1st June. That means we have 6 whole weeks between jobs. Eeek! 4 and a half of those weeks we also have no wear to live. So there are definitely a few issues we need to over come in the mean time. Although I have started to get the ball rolling, I've been looking for cash in hand jobs for the 6 week period. Hopefully we'll find something. We already have for one night, our boss is getting married so she said she'd pay us to be her DJ... not going to say no, basically we're getting paid to party. Happy Days.

We also want to do some traveling in that gap too, if we can find a job for most of it, we can afford to do something cool. The thing is deciding what and where to go. We've decided we're definitely going to explore a lot of Utah as there is so much incredible stuff all around, it would be a shame to be here and not make the most of it. As for the rest of the US, we really can't decide where to go... I fancy San Fran, but there are also so many other cool places too. Decisions decisions!!!

Its kind of crazy, I only have 13 days left at work at the Canyons!!! Were has all the time gone? I've had such a wicked time, but i'm also really ready for summer right now... the closer it has got to the end the more i'm like, 'will i miss this place?', maybe I will come back next season who knows, I seem to change my mind on a daily basis. The next few weeks are going to be totally crazy, a good friend of ours leaves on Sunday for Lake Powell so we're going on a big bender, Monday evening is the lifty Olympics, which i'm quite looking forward to. On Tuesday we go to Vegas until Friday afternoon, thats going to be so mental I'm not even ready to think about it. Then on Friday evening, its the big staff party to celebrate the lifty Olympics. The following week we are going rafting somewhere in Colorado, the day we return from that is the end of season party. There will also be loads of parties going on at that time too. Its going to be an epic but exhausting few weeks. I'm looking forward to it.

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