Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday we hired a car. Its a Dodge Ram. Its huge. Totally unnecessary for what we needed, but I guess thats what happens when you have to guys in tow. We have it until Wednesday so we're planning on taking a few trips, maybe down to southern Utah to Moab and to the hot springs. So until Wednesday Utah is our Oyster. We shall go where ever we please.
Actually going to the hire place was quite a mission. The bus didn't take us all the way there so we had to walk about a mile along side the edge of this highway. It wouldn't normally have been a big deal but Dad had a little mishap. Dad was walking along the edge of the road behind us and suddenly we hear this Thud followed by moans and growns. We turn round to find Dad rolling down the embankment. The edge of road he'd stepped on had crumbled away beneath his feet and he'd cockled over. He could have been seriously hurt but luckily he escaped with a bruised side and a grazed hand. I really tried not to laugh but i found the entire thing totally hilarious. My Dad is such a clumsy bugger.

So since he had been here he has had two epic falls.

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