Friday, March 12, 2010

Its like riding a bike!

Dads here! Today was his first day here, we went skiing. Dad was a little nervous about it. He thinks he's too fat to ski. But he was AMAZING!!! I was in total shock!!! Within minutes he was back doing parallel turns and steaming down the mountain. It was brilliant. For some strange reason I found the whole experience hilarious and pretty much giggled down the entire mountain. I was really proud of Dad, he only had 2 falls all day. One of his falls was pretty epic and I thought he might have to be patrolled off the mountain. It was pretty hilarious too... both of his skis popped off and spun off like helicopter blades in different directions. I did laugh.

We're going to have a day off tomorrow to let Dads aching muscles recover. But we will definitely be back on the mountain on Sunday. And its true what they say... Skiing is like riding a bike! 20 years later and Dad has still got it. Bless!!!

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