Monday, March 29, 2010

Season working...

I guess I think working seasons is really addictive, its kind of like taking drugs. There are massive highs and there are also huge lows, but it always leaves you wanting more. I've only done one season and already I can see myself getting blown away into this whirlwind of consecutive season jobs that will probably last a life time. Mid season I was like there is no way I want to do this again, but now the end is near I can't think of anything I'd rather do... apparently thats how it works, the beginnings and the ends are awesome and midseasons always sucks, but the beginning and end are so great that a shadow could never be cast upon them. The great thing about season work too, is that there really is something for everyone. You could do a lifetime of winters, utilizing the north and south hemisphere resorts (i actually know a guy who hasn't had a summer in 18 years) or endless summers. You really work it anyway you please. Season work is perfect for those who get itchy feet, and tend to get bored in a job pretty quickly. As soon as you get bored your looking forward to your next adventure... and season work can literally take you anywhere in the world, from Andorra to Aspen, you name it.
Admittedly season working isn't for everyone, and numbers drop rapidly at the beginning. Some people just like the stability of home and the comfort and safety of a familiar environment. Its this that season workers thrive on, the anticipation of being in a new situation and being able to pick up some of the best friends you'll ever make. Its kind of just one huge game of global networking, by the time you've finished you end up with bundles of the friends all over the globe that you could call on anytime. It also means you'll probably never have to pay for a hotel room again, thats only if your cool with sofa surfing!

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