Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A few things i miss...

Being here has made me realise that i miss really random things from home. Some times i'm not entirely sure what it is i miss about home but all i know is that i do miss it. I guess i miss the familiarity of it all the most. Of course i always miss the people. I miss mum always being there for me and looking after me, i miss my Dads cuddles, i miss sammy in a million different ways and i really miss marks energy and loudness. I miss having my good friends around too. You guys are wicked.

The things i miss.
I'm not sure why, but i really like Tescos. Supermarkets here totally suck and they are expensive.
My Car.
I miss being able to jump in my car and being able to go anywhere at any time. It annoys me a little that my life here is determined by a bus schedule to an extent.
The Dog.
I really miss Jethro. I miss not having an excuse to go out and go for a really long walk by myself. I miss him when I'm at home by myself and i have no one to cuddle. I love the fact that in Jethros eyes i can do no wrong.
English Food.
Food here i think is pretty rubbish. I like to eat well and healthy, but healthy food here (such as fruit and veg) is so ridiculously expensive. There are lots of things at home that you take for granted that are just so difficult to get hold of here, like Pesto and yorkshire puddings.
English TV.
American TV is totally rubbish. Its all the same. The presenting is seriously bad. The news is always biased and from an angle. There are adverts every 10 minutes. Every other channel seems to be a shopping channel. Considering there are over 60 channels, there really aren't any i like watching. Although i have found one TV program called Cake Boss. Its amazing. check it out if you can.
The seaside.
Living near the sea is something i have always taken for granted. I'm so used to being able to visit the beach pretty much anytime i wish, its weird that i cant now. Going to the beach is like my escape. It what we do when we want to chill out for a few hours and loose ourselves. Usually accompanied by the dog or an enormous kite. Either way i'm happy. I'm looking forward to seeing the sea again.
Indian Restaurants.
I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! I especially love going to the indian restaurant in Driffield. Its so difficult to buy indian food in the supermarket here without being totally robbed for it and the indian restaurants here are few and far between and tend to pretty rubbish anyway. I'm looking forward to my next visit to Trishnas.
UK high street stores.
I like shopping. Everyone knows that. But here i'm really not that bothered. All the store are pretty much the same. I want a girly shop like topshop or zara. I have yet to find any stores like topshop of zara here. And you can think twice about ever stumbling along a cute like boutique thats hidden one of the back streets. They don't have back streets here for one and for two they don't really have boutiques here either, well not boutiques as we know them.

All random things to miss i think...

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