Monday, March 15, 2010

Dinosaur Adventure...

Today was an Epic day. With our beasty 4x4 we embarked on an adventure across north east Utah to Dinosaur national monument. When we arrived I was a little concerned we'd just driven 3 hours to visit the lamest visitors centre I had ever seen. How wrong I was. I had an amazing day. We went on a treck which included scaling rock faces and marching through muddy ground, snow and dust tracks. All around us were thousands of dinosaur fossils, not just little tiny things, but the most enormous leg bones one has ever seen and whole sections of vertebrate probably belonging to something really big! Not only did we see lots of and lots of really cool fossils but we also saw a massive variety of different cave and rock paintings, which were created by the ancient indians along long time ago. The scenery alone was something entirely spectacular, it was truly awesome... some of the reddest glowing rock I have seen. We even got to take the car off roading and stumble along a variety of Wildlife, mainly deer. It was definitely worth the 3 hour trip. I would recommend to anyone, I also thought this time of year was the perfect time to visit this place. There was barely any snow on the ground, it was 50+ degrees, clear blue skies and we had the entire place to our selves.
Awesome awesome day!

...I'll up load some photos tomorrow, the internet here is pretty sucky right now.

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