Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tonight we all go to vegas for Gemma's Birthday, until Friday...its gonna be wicked and very very messy!!! Rob and I are also going to get married... see you when we get back!

The excalibur where we will be staying...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Season working...

I guess I think working seasons is really addictive, its kind of like taking drugs. There are massive highs and there are also huge lows, but it always leaves you wanting more. I've only done one season and already I can see myself getting blown away into this whirlwind of consecutive season jobs that will probably last a life time. Mid season I was like there is no way I want to do this again, but now the end is near I can't think of anything I'd rather do... apparently thats how it works, the beginnings and the ends are awesome and midseasons always sucks, but the beginning and end are so great that a shadow could never be cast upon them. The great thing about season work too, is that there really is something for everyone. You could do a lifetime of winters, utilizing the north and south hemisphere resorts (i actually know a guy who hasn't had a summer in 18 years) or endless summers. You really work it anyway you please. Season work is perfect for those who get itchy feet, and tend to get bored in a job pretty quickly. As soon as you get bored your looking forward to your next adventure... and season work can literally take you anywhere in the world, from Andorra to Aspen, you name it.
Admittedly season working isn't for everyone, and numbers drop rapidly at the beginning. Some people just like the stability of home and the comfort and safety of a familiar environment. Its this that season workers thrive on, the anticipation of being in a new situation and being able to pick up some of the best friends you'll ever make. Its kind of just one huge game of global networking, by the time you've finished you end up with bundles of the friends all over the globe that you could call on anytime. It also means you'll probably never have to pay for a hotel room again, thats only if your cool with sofa surfing!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

To Die for...

These must be the most gorgeous pair of shoes I have seen in a very long time. I want them. Even if they rarely got worn I wouldn't care, at least they would be looking pretty at the bottom of my wardrobe. Its a little shame about the price tag, a rather pricey £85. I still want! Office make my day and put them on sale please.

Thoughts and Things

Yesterday we got our final job offers from Lake Powell and our start dates, which was kind of good and bad all at the same time. It was great because we got the jobs we wanted... we're going to boat instructors, so thats cool. The bad part was that we also found out our start dates, and that sucked. We don't start work until the 1st June. That means we have 6 whole weeks between jobs. Eeek! 4 and a half of those weeks we also have no wear to live. So there are definitely a few issues we need to over come in the mean time. Although I have started to get the ball rolling, I've been looking for cash in hand jobs for the 6 week period. Hopefully we'll find something. We already have for one night, our boss is getting married so she said she'd pay us to be her DJ... not going to say no, basically we're getting paid to party. Happy Days.

We also want to do some traveling in that gap too, if we can find a job for most of it, we can afford to do something cool. The thing is deciding what and where to go. We've decided we're definitely going to explore a lot of Utah as there is so much incredible stuff all around, it would be a shame to be here and not make the most of it. As for the rest of the US, we really can't decide where to go... I fancy San Fran, but there are also so many other cool places too. Decisions decisions!!!

Its kind of crazy, I only have 13 days left at work at the Canyons!!! Were has all the time gone? I've had such a wicked time, but i'm also really ready for summer right now... the closer it has got to the end the more i'm like, 'will i miss this place?', maybe I will come back next season who knows, I seem to change my mind on a daily basis. The next few weeks are going to be totally crazy, a good friend of ours leaves on Sunday for Lake Powell so we're going on a big bender, Monday evening is the lifty Olympics, which i'm quite looking forward to. On Tuesday we go to Vegas until Friday afternoon, thats going to be so mental I'm not even ready to think about it. Then on Friday evening, its the big staff party to celebrate the lifty Olympics. The following week we are going rafting somewhere in Colorado, the day we return from that is the end of season party. There will also be loads of parties going on at that time too. Its going to be an epic but exhausting few weeks. I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Flights rebooked

Today we finally got round to rescheduling our flights. We will be now returning home to the UK on October 19th instead of April 15th. Now I feel like I can relax, knowing at least our flights are sorted, if nothing else. We were possibly going to come home on April 15th for a few weeks as we weren't sure we would be able to change our flight, so rather than loose it we thought we'd might as well use it. Although we could change our flight so all was good. It would have been nice to come home for a short period though.

So everyone make a date in your diary for our return. I can pretty much guarantee some party times...

p.s. Anyone can feel free to offer to pick us up from Heathrow airport on the morning of the 19th. :o)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hope your having a great day! and you got lots of lovely gifts. Sorry we can't be there with you.
Lots of Love

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The mess that is my board...

My board is in a total mess. Almost every edge is delaminating. Its simply not good enough. Its also irritating too. So I wouldn't recommend purchasing a Burton board. Although I have written to Burton requesting that they sort the stupid thing out or give me a new one. Surely when we buy snowboards we expect them to last longer than 20 weeks? Yes, So on that grounds alone, I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to a new one. Is anything built to last these days!?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Blind Side

What a wicked film.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Guess who has a swanky new camera... ME!!!

Today I bit the bullet and did it, I bought myself a new camera and exactly the one I wanted. It was a totally bargain too. It cost me $220 so thats about £150.It is the Olympus Stylus Tough 3000, it has 12 mega pixels, its drop proof, its water proof too, its also freeze proof and its pretty too... I'm super excited about its arrival.
Happy days.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grey Nail Polish, Yes please!

A few of my favorite things right now...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Antelope Island.

Yesterday we went to Antelope Island which is located right in the middle of the great salt lake. Its named after the Antelope which live there. We saw plenty of them. We also saw hundreds of buffalo, they are enormous! Pretty cool though, I didn't realize you could get so close to them. Antelope Islands pretty cool too, it has its own mountain range and beaches and stuff, it would make a really cool place to visit in the summer for picnics, bike rides and such.
Today was a nice day. It was stupidly hot. Easily 20 degrees Celsius, we were skiing in just t-shirts and hoodies. Robin had quite badly burnt his arms... everyone (Katie.T) knows what Rob gets like when he's been burnt, we never hear the bloody end of it. We had skis today, I really enjoyed it. Although I don't feel like I made as much progress as I did on my first day. I guess its a gradual thing. Today is Dads last full day here, and bless him, he's warn out. He's asleep now, snoring his head off. Its a shame too as its St Patricks day, so it means all the bars are heaving, and I can't really be bothered with all that and Dad isn't the biggest fan of St Patricks day anyway. I just wanted to go and play pool and show the boys what i'm really made of. Another time maybe. I don't want Dad to go...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hoody Design...

I did two designs for the lift ops hoody, I can't decide which one I like best. Let me know what you all think:

Dino Adventure Pics

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dinosaur Adventure...

Today was an Epic day. With our beasty 4x4 we embarked on an adventure across north east Utah to Dinosaur national monument. When we arrived I was a little concerned we'd just driven 3 hours to visit the lamest visitors centre I had ever seen. How wrong I was. I had an amazing day. We went on a treck which included scaling rock faces and marching through muddy ground, snow and dust tracks. All around us were thousands of dinosaur fossils, not just little tiny things, but the most enormous leg bones one has ever seen and whole sections of vertebrate probably belonging to something really big! Not only did we see lots of and lots of really cool fossils but we also saw a massive variety of different cave and rock paintings, which were created by the ancient indians along long time ago. The scenery alone was something entirely spectacular, it was truly awesome... some of the reddest glowing rock I have seen. We even got to take the car off roading and stumble along a variety of Wildlife, mainly deer. It was definitely worth the 3 hour trip. I would recommend to anyone, I also thought this time of year was the perfect time to visit this place. There was barely any snow on the ground, it was 50+ degrees, clear blue skies and we had the entire place to our selves.
Awesome awesome day!

...I'll up load some photos tomorrow, the internet here is pretty sucky right now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I Hope your having a great day and you have enjoyed all your gifts.
Love you lots


Yesterday we hired a car. Its a Dodge Ram. Its huge. Totally unnecessary for what we needed, but I guess thats what happens when you have to guys in tow. We have it until Wednesday so we're planning on taking a few trips, maybe down to southern Utah to Moab and to the hot springs. So until Wednesday Utah is our Oyster. We shall go where ever we please.
Actually going to the hire place was quite a mission. The bus didn't take us all the way there so we had to walk about a mile along side the edge of this highway. It wouldn't normally have been a big deal but Dad had a little mishap. Dad was walking along the edge of the road behind us and suddenly we hear this Thud followed by moans and growns. We turn round to find Dad rolling down the embankment. The edge of road he'd stepped on had crumbled away beneath his feet and he'd cockled over. He could have been seriously hurt but luckily he escaped with a bruised side and a grazed hand. I really tried not to laugh but i found the entire thing totally hilarious. My Dad is such a clumsy bugger.

So since he had been here he has had two epic falls.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Some how my supervisor has found out that I did a degree in Design. This wouldn't usually be a problem but the thing is, is that she wants me to design the lift operations hoody for this season for this time next week. I have like a week to do it and I really just don't know where to start, and if I'm honest I really cant be bothered either. Graphics must be my least favorite bit of design, its just so boring! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Its like riding a bike!

Dads here! Today was his first day here, we went skiing. Dad was a little nervous about it. He thinks he's too fat to ski. But he was AMAZING!!! I was in total shock!!! Within minutes he was back doing parallel turns and steaming down the mountain. It was brilliant. For some strange reason I found the whole experience hilarious and pretty much giggled down the entire mountain. I was really proud of Dad, he only had 2 falls all day. One of his falls was pretty epic and I thought he might have to be patrolled off the mountain. It was pretty hilarious too... both of his skis popped off and spun off like helicopter blades in different directions. I did laugh.

We're going to have a day off tomorrow to let Dads aching muscles recover. But we will definitely be back on the mountain on Sunday. And its true what they say... Skiing is like riding a bike! 20 years later and Dad has still got it. Bless!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Park City Mountain Resort.

Today was our day off, we decided to take advantage of our triple play and went to Park City Mountain Resort. I was really quite impressed. The terrain at PCMR is much more limited and smaller but the resort its self is a whole lot nicer than that of the Canyons. It has a really nice mountain village vibe to it, if i were a holiday maker here in park city for a week i think i'd definitely choose park city over the canyons. The terrain at Park city resort is a lot more forgiving for beginners offering a wide range of greens and nice blues. The resort also has a good selection of more advanced trails. We hit some tree runs today, I was knee deep in powder. It was amazing. The cool thing about park city mountain resort too is that it used to be the old mining area so it has all these historical makers about, such as old mining conveyor belts and bits of rail way. It was a good day. As far as snowboarding f
or the season goes, The Canyons is the place to be. Its just bigger and there's more to see and do. PCMR was nice for a change though.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A few things i miss...

Being here has made me realise that i miss really random things from home. Some times i'm not entirely sure what it is i miss about home but all i know is that i do miss it. I guess i miss the familiarity of it all the most. Of course i always miss the people. I miss mum always being there for me and looking after me, i miss my Dads cuddles, i miss sammy in a million different ways and i really miss marks energy and loudness. I miss having my good friends around too. You guys are wicked.

The things i miss.
I'm not sure why, but i really like Tescos. Supermarkets here totally suck and they are expensive.
My Car.
I miss being able to jump in my car and being able to go anywhere at any time. It annoys me a little that my life here is determined by a bus schedule to an extent.
The Dog.
I really miss Jethro. I miss not having an excuse to go out and go for a really long walk by myself. I miss him when I'm at home by myself and i have no one to cuddle. I love the fact that in Jethros eyes i can do no wrong.
English Food.
Food here i think is pretty rubbish. I like to eat well and healthy, but healthy food here (such as fruit and veg) is so ridiculously expensive. There are lots of things at home that you take for granted that are just so difficult to get hold of here, like Pesto and yorkshire puddings.
English TV.
American TV is totally rubbish. Its all the same. The presenting is seriously bad. The news is always biased and from an angle. There are adverts every 10 minutes. Every other channel seems to be a shopping channel. Considering there are over 60 channels, there really aren't any i like watching. Although i have found one TV program called Cake Boss. Its amazing. check it out if you can.
The seaside.
Living near the sea is something i have always taken for granted. I'm so used to being able to visit the beach pretty much anytime i wish, its weird that i cant now. Going to the beach is like my escape. It what we do when we want to chill out for a few hours and loose ourselves. Usually accompanied by the dog or an enormous kite. Either way i'm happy. I'm looking forward to seeing the sea again.
Indian Restaurants.
I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! I especially love going to the indian restaurant in Driffield. Its so difficult to buy indian food in the supermarket here without being totally robbed for it and the indian restaurants here are few and far between and tend to pretty rubbish anyway. I'm looking forward to my next visit to Trishnas.
UK high street stores.
I like shopping. Everyone knows that. But here i'm really not that bothered. All the store are pretty much the same. I want a girly shop like topshop or zara. I have yet to find any stores like topshop of zara here. And you can think twice about ever stumbling along a cute like boutique thats hidden one of the back streets. They don't have back streets here for one and for two they don't really have boutiques here either, well not boutiques as we know them.

All random things to miss i think...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Hell of a Goggle Tan!

Day by day my goggle tan has been getting worse and worse. I'm starting to look rather ridiculous. My face is getting browner and browner and there is nothing I can seem to do about it. My factor 30 that I have been wearing everyday does nothing but stop me burning and aid the browning of my face. Grr! No one really looks twice at my face now, I guess everyone is used to seeing a face like mine. Although I am looking forward to seeing peoples reaction to my face when I go to a town that isn't a ski resort. it should be pretty funny.