Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Atoms for Peace - black swan

Love this. Literally would have played this everyday for the last 3 months if Rob would have let me... Amazing live!

This and that

The tarantula that Colton found outside our dorm this week.

Thrift store finds. My new favourate bikini and super cool shades for Rob... both a $1 each. Happy Days.

Sunset 29/06/10 - Wahweap Marina

Monday, June 28, 2010

Offers of Employment

Over the last few weeks i have applied for a few winter jobs mainly in Park City, I probably won't take them up but I want them there as a back up... Because you never know what might happen. I'm still to apply for a few other spots in the US, mainly Colorado but I wouldn't mind working in Tahoe. So who knows.

Anyhow, I was working the other day, I ended up porting for a boat which i had instructed for on the way out... They remembered me and were really pleased to see me, which is always nice. I got chatting to a lady in the party and she was from Park City and owned a big housing development company... to cut a long story short she offered me a Marketing position with her and said she'd even sponsor me for a Visa and throw a lift pass in too. I'm not sure if i'll take it up, but its kind of cool either way... I guess its there if i want it.

We shall see what happens, but for now we're definitely coming home in October... all the tickets are booked and I rather fancy using them!

Make my day

I'd Rather like to own this Nixon Watch...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Nice Idea

Toms Shoes. This is the nicest idea i have seen in a long time. Its funny because at uni a few years ago we were once debating this statement: 'Companies are more concerned about profits than environmental footprints and welfare', if only I'd known about Toms shoes...

Basically the concept is, is for every pair of Toms shoes you buy they will donate a pair of Toms shoes to a child in need. How nice is that. The shoes are actually pretty cool too. So I will be very shortly investing in a pair of Toms shoes.

My feet are falling to pieces...

Wearing cons day in and day out is literally destroying my feet. I have come to find that cons are actually some of the most uncomfortable shoes on earth. That aside my foot problem cannot solely blame my stupid shoes, I'm not enitely sure what to blame my problems on and I guess it wouldn't actually solve anything anyways. Basically my feet are so dry that they are cracking and bleeding, and when I wear my shoes it turns my dry skin into raw skin so then it rubs and gets really sore and then a couple of hours later its really really dry again. Its making me sad and I cant seem to find anything to solve the problem... please help! I'm actually a little concerned that my feet may get so bad that I can't actually work.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Say no to wrinkles!

People may mock Rob and I for using SPF 85 on our faces but quit frankly I mock those that don't. Is a tanned face worth a wrinkly face before your time and skin cancer? I think not! Besides, super brown faces just look dirty and horrible. So for now SPF 85 has a firm spot in my hand bag and will do for the foreseeable future... Right now I'm rather enjoying my wrinkle free face and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible.

I've come to notice America has a different policy of tanning anyways... people really aren't that interested. Its near impossible to find anything less than SPF 30, I did manage to find SPF 15 which I have been using to try and fade in my farmer tan lines, but apart from that its always 30+. Apparently (I read an article on it the other day) it is recommended that people should always wear factor 30+ on their faces, no matter what the time of year, and those that do look noticeably younger.

Just a thought for next time your in the sun...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Wackness

Awesome awesome film! Watch if you get chance....

Chill weekend

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Because i am stupid

I was only thinking the other day it has been a long time since i did something really clumsy and stupid... and guess what, a few days latter i had a colossal trip which resulted in really sore knees and hands and a scuffed shin. It was stupid, i was stepping over a cable which i thought was lower than it actually was... i never quite made it over the cable. It was very embarrassing as everyone watched me do it from the office window. Look at my sore knee.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pics from the weekend

My Humble Home

Dad wanted to know exactly where I lived. So here you go...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finally in the Lake

The last 2 days have reminded me of why I am here. I've had an awesome weekend after a great week at work. I'm very happy! On Tuesday we took a free boat ride to rainbow bridge and just chilled out on the boat most of the day, it was great and I really needed to relax. Rainbow bridge is pretty cool too, definitely worth the trip up there, I guess I finally understand what all the hype is about and why people come specifically too Lake Powell to visit it.

Today we got up very early and hit the lake for the second time. This time on a power boat. I actually wake boarded finally. I'm also pleased to say I do remember how to Wakeboard, although on the boat here that we hire, its kind of like an entirely different sport. The wake doesn't look that small until your actually on it and then it looks tiny and the boat itself is so weak, it has trouble towing you. So popping yourself over the wake is a major mission. But hey, I shouldn't complain its a freebie... its better than nothing. We also threw a tube into the boat and to be honest that was as equally as fun as the wake boarding! I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time, my bikini bottoms slid straight off... luckily i managed to catch them with my toe. Emma was also pretty much in the same boat. It was hilarious. My stomach muscles are aching so bad right now.

This Afternoon we went to the staff welcome party, that was good. Its always good when free food is involved and they even had vegi burgers on the BBQ, I was very content indeed. So after a fun packed weekend I'm all tanned and tired and ready for bed. I also have a poorly toe.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Its our Wednesday and we have already made $400+ , We're very happy bunnies! Keep the pennies rolling...

At this rate we might have reached our saving targets early and come home. We shall see.

Today was insane, there was only 8 of us and we had a crazy amount of house boats that went out, 25 to be precise and we have 27 that arrived back, plus the 30+ powerboats. I'm burned out to say the least. A 12 hour day in 100F heat is pretty tough, so I've given the gym a miss today.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A good week

This week has been pretty uneventful. I’ve done over 50 hours this week, 10 of which have been over time but apart from that I have really nothing much to report. The days have been long and really really hot, so by the time I’m home I’m ready for a bite to eat and my single bed. Happy days. I’m really enjoying work. I love the variation and the fact I’ve met such a variety of people already. I’ve met so many French, its insane. Its also kind of weird, as they always seem to photograph everything, including a million pictures of you doing random things from waving to untying ropes and tripping up. We’ll all be all over the Internet before you know it. This week has been memorial week (memorial day was yesterday) so it been the busy its been yet, I’m glad, its gone by so quickly… at this rate its going to be October before we know it.

On the money front this has been an epic week for Rob and I, we have made just short of $400 in tips and we have both racked up 10 hours of over time, which is paid at time and a half. We’re pretty pleased with ourselves. This saving business has just got a whole lot easier. Another good thing is that I have been signed off on another 2 types of boat (more luxurious ones), so it means I have a better opportunity to make tips.

Today it’s my Saturday, so I’m enjoying the weekend and hopefully I’ll finally get myself on a wakeboard. It’s been a long time coming, but I guess I should be patient as I do have all summer. Rob says he’s going to give it a miss because of his back but I doubt he’s going to able to cope with everyone else being out on the board whilst he simply watches. Lets see what happens.

Celeb Spotting

Yesterday we had a few celebrities on the dock. So far this trip has been a good one for celebrity spotting. Anyways I’ll cut to the chase, we had Katie Perry and Russell Brand on the marina today, it was a little bit weird, but cool all the same. I didn’t do their instruction on the boat they had rented but a good friend of mine (Joe) did. I’m kind of glad it wasn’t me; I would have been a huge mess, stumbling over my words and all sorts. But then again who knows, I guess it would have been more embarrassing if I had been weird and its not like I’m a massive fan of either of them to be honest. They’re just people like the rest of us, Right!?

Anyhow, Russell was exactly how I expected him to be; huge hair, very flamboyant, he had and open shirt to a bear chest and the tightest trousers I have ever seen that raised only a few cm higher than his crotch. Apparently (according to my boss) he was wearing lacy underwear, which revealed everything, my boss was blushing a little. Bless. He’s actually pretty tall, taller than I expected. Although he probably appeared way taller because he was stood next to Katie Perry and she is tiny! I was actually really shocked about how small she was and how very ordinary too, she was definitely no taller than 5 foot, I probably would not have noticed her if I hadn’t have already been told.

So all in all it really wasn’t that spectacular. Celebs are definitely overrated. For sure.