Sunday, January 16, 2011

Surprisingly Awesome Day at work

Today started off like any other ordinary day at work at the Canyons, but it turned into a pretty awesome day actually. In fact it might just have been one of the best days i've had yet. Its kind of funny because i really didn't expect it to work out that way. Firstly it was raining, which majorly sucks, it reminds me of being in Scotland skiing (which is never good) and secondly I was on Timberline, Timberline is a sucky lift, I'd always rather be on Iron Mountain. Its so much more chill over there.

Today went super fast, it was amazing. At 9.30am Iron Mountain (the new lift) had an electrical fire, so was out of service until just after 11, that also means that Timberline wasn't running either as its the access lift to Iron Mountain. That was pretty cool, it gave us the morning just to chill out. I was also working with Giles today, who is easily one of the funniest people I have met in such a long time. I've laughed so much today. The best part of the day was when I got to meet the Canyons Moose (mascot). What's even weirder is that I didn't even do a single run break.

Just a really sweet day, I hope many more are like today...

(James, Darren and I with the canyons mascot)
(Giles my work buddy for the day who is coincidentally mental)
(I thought this was really funny, Giles' blockade to prevent guests loading the lift!? wouldn't the closed sign have done???)

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