Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rocking the skis

This season i am making it my mission to be at least an intermediate skier. I think it would be a waste of a good opportunity not to, with $10 rentals and free lessons, i'm all set. Today was the start of our skiing experience this season, to start with i was a little sketchy to say the least. Rob rocked it as per predicted. Git! He even did a rail. Boo. Just a little bit jealous. Although by the end of the day, i reckon i was back to the standard i was at the end of last season (it didn't really take much,lol). Now i just want my own pair of skis, donations will be generously excepted.

This evening we are going for a free and delightful meal at the Christian Centre followed by a night of funky house at Ciseros, tomorrow at work should be interesting. Its a shame I was suppose to be off.

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