Friday, February 4, 2011


On Wednesday Julian Marley came to play at Park City on main for free. It was the opening ceremony for the FIX freestyle world Championships. Last year the bravery played to mark the opening of the championships and the turn out was HUGE, this year there wasn't even a quarter of the crowd... to be fair it has been bitterly cold here, -25C to be precise and with wind chill it feels more like -42C. Not good, so thats why we only stayed for 45 minutes. I would have stayed for longer, I just wasn't prepared to risk frostbite. Good night though...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 2: Sundance Film Festival

It appears Sundance film festival is once again upon us and is in full swing. Its day 2 of the 10 days of Sundance and already I am ready for it to be over. I hate Sundance Film Festival. Park City is overrun by film geeks who all look strangely alike and are completely inappropriately dressed for Utah Winters. Yesterday we hit Main Street for a friends birthday, it was completely insane. There were people everywhere, all the restaurants were full, the bars were charging outrageous cover charges and every person I came across was completely and utterly obnoxiously rude.

For me though the worst part about Sundance is that it completely screws up all the buses and therefore it takes me a life time to get home, and I usually have to stand too. Its this that makes me wish I had a car so badly. I guess I might bump into a celebrity or see a good movie, I should cheer the hell up...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rain Rain go away...

I hate the rain! We were going to go skiing today but we have been advised to stay away from the mountain as it rained all last night and is still raining now. Its horrible. Rob made a fair point this morning... "we could have stayed at home for this shit!", he's totally right, all it would have taken is a boring 6 hour drive up to Aviemore and we could have been blessed with the exact same shitty conditions in Scotland. This sucks! I pray the temperature actually drops tonight, like they predict and it dumps...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Surprisingly Awesome Day at work

Today started off like any other ordinary day at work at the Canyons, but it turned into a pretty awesome day actually. In fact it might just have been one of the best days i've had yet. Its kind of funny because i really didn't expect it to work out that way. Firstly it was raining, which majorly sucks, it reminds me of being in Scotland skiing (which is never good) and secondly I was on Timberline, Timberline is a sucky lift, I'd always rather be on Iron Mountain. Its so much more chill over there.

Today went super fast, it was amazing. At 9.30am Iron Mountain (the new lift) had an electrical fire, so was out of service until just after 11, that also means that Timberline wasn't running either as its the access lift to Iron Mountain. That was pretty cool, it gave us the morning just to chill out. I was also working with Giles today, who is easily one of the funniest people I have met in such a long time. I've laughed so much today. The best part of the day was when I got to meet the Canyons Moose (mascot). What's even weirder is that I didn't even do a single run break.

Just a really sweet day, I hope many more are like today...

(James, Darren and I with the canyons mascot)
(Giles my work buddy for the day who is coincidentally mental)
(I thought this was really funny, Giles' blockade to prevent guests loading the lift!? wouldn't the closed sign have done???)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So it seems Banksy has hit the streets of Park City once again. This one was from last Sundance (2010)... will the master return again this year?
(james and lewy)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rocking the skis

This season i am making it my mission to be at least an intermediate skier. I think it would be a waste of a good opportunity not to, with $10 rentals and free lessons, i'm all set. Today was the start of our skiing experience this season, to start with i was a little sketchy to say the least. Rob rocked it as per predicted. Git! He even did a rail. Boo. Just a little bit jealous. Although by the end of the day, i reckon i was back to the standard i was at the end of last season (it didn't really take much,lol). Now i just want my own pair of skis, donations will be generously excepted.

This evening we are going for a free and delightful meal at the Christian Centre followed by a night of funky house at Ciseros, tomorrow at work should be interesting. Its a shame I was suppose to be off.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank you very much the Christian Centre!

Today we went to the Christian Centre as we had actually no food in the house what so ever, by the time we'd finished we had enough food to feed a small army. Result. Not bad for a $3 donation. $3 well spent!

My first ever Sushi experience...

For some reason I've never ever tried sushi before, maybe because I don't really like the idea of raw fish? I'm not sure, I just thought I'd never like it. To be honest it wasn't so bad, some dishes were really good and other not so, I'd go again, it just wouldn't be my first choice.

Monday, January 3, 2011

my beautiful boy

Robin Ate Shit today!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I Hope everyone had a fantastic New Years Eve and the year so far has been splendid! Our New years Eve this year wasn't a patch on last years, but it was well needed all the same. We just went to the cinema and watch Tron (epic movie) and went to bed, Rob woke me up at midnight kissed me and then I went back to sleep. Thats as exciting as it gets! This new years day was so nice, I was fully of beans, on time, happy and what was best is that I didn't feel like anyone else around me. Good times. Rob and I are a little partied out to say the least, but we in no way over did... I've had some amazing nights. I was even told I should be payed as a promoter, as this one guy has seen me in the club so often.

So far this year has been amazing. Had some really great days at work and I've done some pretty sweet riding, first tracks two days running. Lets see if I can make it a hattrick. Here's a few pics of the year so far...