Thursday, January 28, 2010

Its all about the Christian Centre...

So the Christian centre... what can i say!?

Its amazing!!!

Its this little organisation which is run by all the local churches and even those sects that don't have a church here in park city! The sole purpose of the this place is to help the locals (which is mainly made up on internationals), so thats me! They have and do all sorts. They give away free food (usually enough to keep you going for a week), they have a boutique, they have thrift a store (which kind of sells house hold stuff, clothes and lots of other second hand stuff) and they have an international dinner night (which anyone is welcome too, international or not) where there is a free buffet, with puddings, mains and starters. Not only do they give away free food at the international dinner night but they also give away free gifts, from toothpastes and shower gel to snowboards and headphones. I won the headphones last week!! Woop woop!! They're super cool too, they're skullcandy ones and they are pink and brand spanking new!!!

Its all about the Christian centre!!! I Love that place. I don't even mind the little bit of religious gabble the guy called Tim goes on about when its 'Tim's time'. He feeds us so i guess the least we can do is listen, and it usually makes kind of sense.

So yea check out the Christian Centre.

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