Monday, January 25, 2010

All in a days work

It has snowed for the last 7 days (every day i have worked) and today the sun finally came out. Don't get me wrong I love it when it snows and wedefinitely needed it, but its exhausting to work with and frustrating watching everyone else enjoy it.

Despite the hard work and the frustration of working on high meadow, today i realised how much i love working as a lifty at the Canyons...

Just a few things i did today:
- Ride fresh untouched powder
- perfected my skills in the natural half pipe
- work on my tan
- meet some amazing people
- ride with great friends
- watch some of the funniest falls you will ever see

...did i mention get paid too!? Get why i love my job?

Almost everyday I look around me and realize how lucky I am to have this opportunity. Not many people get to look at a view like this all day...
(The top of high meadow lift that services the green slope on mid mountain, where i spent most of my day)

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