Sunday, January 31, 2010


Its one Life...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ssss ParTy!!!

So as it was Sophie's Birthday on Tuesday she had an 'S' Party... meaning wear anything that begins with 'S'.

I went all sparkly (pretty lame i know) and Rob went as Superman... His costume was actually pretty good and surprisingly he was the only Superman there!

I was shocked at the amount of effort people went to for the party, there had to be some of the best costumes I had ever seen... well home made ones anyway.

But this had to be my favorite... the Simpsons!!

And this had to be the most scareist makeup I have ever seen. I was slightly concerned that my good friend Andria might be the cause of a few nightmares...

Anyhow, what an awesome party!!! Worth every second of the 12 hour hangover i had...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Its all about the Christian Centre...

So the Christian centre... what can i say!?

Its amazing!!!

Its this little organisation which is run by all the local churches and even those sects that don't have a church here in park city! The sole purpose of the this place is to help the locals (which is mainly made up on internationals), so thats me! They have and do all sorts. They give away free food (usually enough to keep you going for a week), they have a boutique, they have thrift a store (which kind of sells house hold stuff, clothes and lots of other second hand stuff) and they have an international dinner night (which anyone is welcome too, international or not) where there is a free buffet, with puddings, mains and starters. Not only do they give away free food at the international dinner night but they also give away free gifts, from toothpastes and shower gel to snowboards and headphones. I won the headphones last week!! Woop woop!! They're super cool too, they're skullcandy ones and they are pink and brand spanking new!!!

Its all about the Christian centre!!! I Love that place. I don't even mind the little bit of religious gabble the guy called Tim goes on about when its 'Tim's time'. He feeds us so i guess the least we can do is listen, and it usually makes kind of sense.

So yea check out the Christian Centre.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh wouldn't it be nice...


its waterproof, snow proof, drop proof... everything proof... so i guess its Lizzy proof too! Makes it the perfect camera for me. But really this would be too cool to snowboard, wakeboard and surf with and everything else i do!

I guess it'll just have to go on my Christmas list...



So yesterday was Sophie's 22 nd Birthday... What an awesome night!

Had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays... Highly recommend! it was amazing!

Bring on the rest of the weeks celebrations!!!

...Happy birthday Sophie for yesterday xxx

Monday, January 25, 2010

All in a days work

It has snowed for the last 7 days (every day i have worked) and today the sun finally came out. Don't get me wrong I love it when it snows and wedefinitely needed it, but its exhausting to work with and frustrating watching everyone else enjoy it.

Despite the hard work and the frustration of working on high meadow, today i realised how much i love working as a lifty at the Canyons...

Just a few things i did today:
- Ride fresh untouched powder
- perfected my skills in the natural half pipe
- work on my tan
- meet some amazing people
- ride with great friends
- watch some of the funniest falls you will ever see

...did i mention get paid too!? Get why i love my job?

Almost everyday I look around me and realize how lucky I am to have this opportunity. Not many people get to look at a view like this all day...
(The top of high meadow lift that services the green slope on mid mountain, where i spent most of my day)

Friday, January 22, 2010

The First of Many

Here i am in Park City, Utah! I've been here since November 25th 2009 and i can easily say since then i have been having the time of my life.

So what am i doing in Park City? ...well i love snowboarding, so what else gives me more access to the slopes than being a lifty, not alot!

I work for a resort called the Canyons, its the biggest resort in Utah and has the potential to be the biggest in the US. So the snowboarding this season will be awesome!

Well thats what i'm here for... and the rest is just me, my thoughts, my opinions and experiences...

This is me and Rob (my boyfriend):

...because i like chocolate. why? well a while ago my dad asked me why i was so beautiful and my response was... 'because i like chocolate'. it kind of became the answer to a lot of things. and i guess its the answer to this too. why not?
