Thursday, April 8, 2010

The end is near

Vegas was totally awesome. Honestly had the best time ever. We spent quite a bit but not as much as we could have done. Our friend Gemma blew over $300 in slot machines, if that were me I would have cried. But I guess it was her birthday... The bargaining tool we heard many many times. It was even used to get me on a roller coaster, which I wasn't happy about. The hotel we stayed in was really nice and 6 of us comfortably crammed into one room. The weather in Vegas was amazing too, a world away from Park City. It was shorts and T-shirts weather all the way... awesome awesome trip.

Our Return
On returning to Park City from Vegas it was insane. We had left Vegas at a lovely 25 degrees totally ready for summer and when we got back to Park City it was well and truly winter again, it had snowed around 3 foot when we were in Vegas and continued to snow for the next 3 days. We had over 7ft in 7 days, it was truly epic. I have literally never worked so hard in my entire life and have definitely never seen so much snow... but it was 100% worth it for the powder runs. They were crazy. I've never been so determined not to fall over, as the one time I did i was digging myself out of snow that came higher than my shoulders for what seemed like a life time. The lifts were totally buried and we failed to open on time for several days in a row.

Only one more day to go...
This is the final week of the ski season for the canyons this year... its come around so quickly. I remember at the beginning when I couldn't imagine the whole resort being open, where as now I can't imagine the whole resort being closed. I think I'm going to miss this place. So Sunday is our last day. Well actually its the last day the resort is open (so the last day of proper work) but we actually have to work the monday and tuesday following the sunday for shut down. I'm still excited all the same.

I'm Excited...
Today we go to Colorado white water rafting. I'm stupidly excited. Its going to be so awesome. I am a little nervous, but I guess thats because I've not done proper white rafting before were I actually have to raft and also I know its going to be freezing and I really don't want to get cold. But it'll be wicked so all is good. I'm also excited because on the 15th April we're going to California (thats if all goes to plan) for 2 weeks, so that will be nice and I'll also get to go to San Francisco, which I have wanted to do for a long time. After that we'll be heading to Lake Powell to start our new jobs!!! Its going to be a very very busy month. I'm looking forward to every single moment of it.

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