Thursday, July 8, 2010


Over the last few months I have made daily visits to the gym and I'm feeling good about it. It makes me want to eat better and I generally feel happy and more content. Going to the gym every day is one thing, but we've thrown in this work DVD that we have been doing every other day too. Ab Ripper X... Its a work out DVD that works on your abs and upper leg muscles. The thing is, is that its an absolute killer, 15 minutes of pure pain. We've been doing it for weeks now and its not getting any easier, but I guess there were certain positions and work outs that I couldn't even do in the first place and now I can at least do a few of them. By the end of it I always feel like I want to be sick. It seems to be working though, my abs are their way to toned perfection, hopefully.

So if your looking for a good work out DVD try and get your hands on this, its only 15 minutes but it goes by super super quick.

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